Or was it a nightmare? Dreams are so confusing.  Is there a message  hidden somewhere in the recesses of our brain or simply a mis-firing of the neurons.  Trying to sort out a dream after a long night is absurd.  

Why was I at the dentist having that horrible shot that went on forever?  Only to discover the dentist was a woman I despised  from work twenty years ago and she intended to smoother me with the x-ray apron.  Why was the receptionist only now telling me I was there on the wrong day and I’d have to come back.  I have misgivings I’ll survive the smothering, let alone return another day.

I dream of people I barely knew years ago and yet here I am having an ‘inappropriate moment’ with them at 3:30 in the morning.  I dream of old friends I haven’t seen in twenty years and people I swear don’t have faces, they feel familiar but I don’t know who they are.  

Often times I dream about someone I haven’t seen in months and the next day I will run into them.   How does that happen? It’s kind of spooky.  I told Monty I never want to dream about the devil.  He just might show up!  I have to admit sometimes it is fun to see people I’ve missed seeing, but most of the time they aren’t in the same context that I knew them.  I wake up wondering what Karen and Don from Michigan are doing at the Walmart in Tucson.

How many times have you spent the night at the grocery store wandering up and down the isles and you were the only one who was naked?.  Never? OMG it is just me?

Then there’s the snakes, come on admit it, you’ve spent the night fighting for your life with a huge anaconda.  I don’t watch many jungle movies so I don’t know where that comes from.  Monty seems to have a different take on the huge snake thing,  I won’t even go there.  

My nightmares happen when I spend the night at my old work place and nothing goes right. I’ve sent the wrong memo and divulged classified secrets, forgot an important meeting or worse yet, showed up at the meeting in nothing but my birthday suit.  Apparently I have a lot of naked dreams, what’s that all about?

Did you forget to attend class?  Monty says, after fifty years he still dreams the semester is over and he forgot to attend one of his classes.  I’ve read that school dream is almost as prevalent as the falling thing.  Ever wonder why the screen goes blank just before you smack into the ground?     

I don’t know much about dream theories, I’m going with the idea it is just better not to get involved, just pretend it is a movie and you are the star.   Trying to analyze any of it seems pointless and besides I might find out something I don’t want to know. Monty says I might want to know more about the snake thing. 

One of my most memorable and best dreams happened the night I spent swimming with my mom.  Mom loved to swim and so do I, on this night we were in a beautiful pool doing the breast stroke side by side.  We switched to the side stroke and swam side by side for a long time.  I woke with a smile.  My mom is gone but the dream was so real it was almost like we were together again.  I wish I could have called her, she would have enjoyed the swim.   


 Oh, I cancelled my dentist appointment. You never know. 

3 replies
  1. Suzette
    Suzette says:

    The part about swimming with your mom was so special. I cherish my dreams when they are about loved ones that have passed on.

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